BullGuard Reinforces Smart Home IoT Devices via MEC and 5G
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BullGuard Reinforces Smart Home IoT Devices via MEC and 5G

BullGuard, one of the world’s frontline cybersecurity firms, has fortified its Dojo Intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) Security Platform using a software-based version that is compatible with Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) as well as 5G architectures.

The new product, dubbed DIP Edge, comes in handy for Communication Service Providers (CSPs) to provide a wide range of smart home security services to their subscribers over mobile and fixed networks.

DIP Edge is basically a virtual Internet of Things security gateway that can be deployed by the CSPs across a wide range of computing platforms at the edge of the network.

With DIP Edge, CSPs can support virtual platforms like Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and bare metal (i.e. a computer system without a base operating system (OS) or installed applications.

The DIP Edge Virtual Network Function (VNF) helps CSPs provide parental controls and IoT security in a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) environment.

This move by BullGuard indicates the magnitude on which 5G will drastically transform the manner in which networks are designed by CSPs.

5G will enable CSPs to make the most of the latest technologies such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN), edge computing and NFV to make their networks highly scalable, flexible, and more efficient. In addition, it will help make the networks more capable of supporting service innovations.

As such, MEC is likely to be a vital architecture to facilitate the development of low latency and high bandwidth applications.

Securing the 5G Smart Home

dojo DIP EdgeSimilar to the user-oriented Dojo product by BullGuard, DIP comes in handy for protecting Wi-Fi-connected IoT devices. This will sure make life a whole lot easier for parents as they will find it easier to manage connected devices at home along with a wide range of features such as content filtering and parental control.

DIP comes with a built-in feature to discover new devices automatically; so connecting to a new device will never be a hassle. Other significant features of DIP include prevention of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, behavioral analysis based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, managed firewall, and vulnerability scanner.

As reported by the company, consumers can use DIP Edge to subscribe to a CSP’s services and all smart connected devices that use your home or mobile network will be secured automatically.

For CSPs, virtualized version of DIP Edge brings in several other handy benefits, including scalability, flexibility, and comfortable movement of VNF across different hardware assets.

Yossi Atias, General Manager, IoT Security, at BullGuard, said that the confluence of IoT and 5G offers endless business possibilities as well as service innovations for both the consumers and CSPs.

But then, cyber security threats associated with so many vulnerable IoT devices is also expected to reach the next level and some new techniques will have to be deployed so as to secure IoT devices.

As per a recent survey by Accenture, CSPs have a massive opportunity with smart homes and the profits can scale up to $100bn by 2025. Out of 26,000 consumers surveyed, 71% said they’d opt for a CSP for their connected home experience.

With DIP Edge, BullGuard is empowering CSPs to deliver robust IoT security services for smart homes that are ready for MEC and 5G architectures.

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